Sunday 18 March 2012

Gaga for Gaga!

Lady Gaga, where do I begin, not only is she one of my role models, she's perhaps one of my favourite musicians today. I mostly like her because of her love and devotion to her fans, and also because she comes across as a true, honest person. I love how open she is about her fashion, how she cares what no one thinks, shes actually really arty and all the time I see her continuously reblogging peoples art work of her over Twitter and Facebook. I've seen lady gaga live in Manchester and it was one of the best concerts I've been to, i'd go again for sure!

I look up to Lady Gaga as more of a fashion icon than a musical influence, because although I do like her music, i love how different and slightly gothic her appearance can be. Although, as I'm certain you aren't, I'm also not a fan of that horrific meat dress she wore, how could that feel nice? It certainly looked awful! And that is really the only bad thing I can say about Gaga, and it's not even about her personality!

I've got some pictures that Gaga posted on her Facebook profile, these are my favourite ones!

I also created my own Gaga-corn, I just saw the original and wanted to give it a bit of colour, i regularly do things like this in my free time. I like to improve on my digital skills. The Gaga-corn I created is the one above this writing.

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