My initial thoughts for the animation were quite narrow from the start. I knew I wanted to do a stop motion with my mannequins and paint patterns on them - it kind of went in hand with the project i was doing so naturally I decided on that. But I wanted to look more into what other things i could bring into the animation by looking at some videos related to my interests anyway. Of course with my work having a bit of a 60's feel to it, i decided to look into psychedelic music videos to see what kind of things were going on, and my favourite was of course Yellow Submarine by The Beatles. The video is VERY psychedelic from the moment it starts to the end, and is quite cartoonish. But i've screen shotted my favourite parts which have a more artistic look and feel to them. Theres a really nice part towards the end where the videos colour palette becomes darker and more limited, which i really like. I'm all for going crazy with the colours of the rainbow, but my work is more simplistic. The wide range of colours fir the cartoonish feel anyway. With my work being a little more adult visually, i wanted it to be taken a little more seriously. Not that it would be bad if it wasn't just that the content is a serious subject and not really one to be mocked.
Once I've completed my Storyboard and mannequins, I will begin animation!

Images from:
Another video that i've been looking at is The Wall by Pink Floyd. The video is quite dark actually, but the art is a lot more simplistic, often surrounded by darkness or dark scenes. The art goes through some kind of metamorphesis where things change, e.g a raven turns into a german plane. Most of the video is actually like any other movie, is filmed on a camera with real people, and theres a strong storyline. The art is quite abstract. I'd perhaps like to try some abstract moments, perhaps i could switch from photographs to sketches, like the animation 'The Johnny Cash Project', where each still is a completely different drawing, with different medias and in some he draws the characters differently. For example in this scene here, this man is walking through a tunnel, carrying a guitar, surrounded by beautiful plants but then a still comes on for a split second and it looks like he is a skeleton. It's very interesting, do not miss this animation! It is one of my favourites.
The Wall - Pink Floyd
The Johnny Cash Project
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