Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Advice to Self

There are probably quite a lot of advices that I could give to myself if I start looking for every little detail in my work. However there are a few really important ones.

First of all, I think I should manage my time better. A lot of the time I end up finishing my assignments a day or two before the deadline and handing in everything at the last second. It creates unnecessary pressure and stress which can be so easily avoided. Also doing so doesn’t give me a chance of editing and retouching my project. I have noticed that after a fair period of time since I complete a certain piece of work, I get to see what needs to be fixed, added or removed. It offers me the chance of improving myself and of course getting better results.

Secondly I believe I need to spend more time doing details in my work. This is important as the quality improves and the overall satisfaction of what I have created increases. I tend to appreciate something, that I have spent a fair amount of time into and additional focus, a lot more rather than a piece which I couldn’t be bothered with as much.

Last but not least would be doing a lot more research. Looking up artists and mainly browsing the internet for inspirational talent, because it only comes with experience and experience comes with knowledge and research. Before every assignment I should study its area and type of art a lot deeper than I have been doing with most of my work except for the Martin Haake brief I did in year one, where I feel like I honest researched an artist in every way possible. That is a great example of how good I can be if I put my mind into it. 
As a conclusion, I feel like I should mention something which touched me. I got a gift from my step father not long ago containing a book of inspirational quotes. Since having received this present and having read it, I feel as if I have taken a fair few good bits of advice.

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