Wednesday, 29 February 2012


With our new brief (which is awesome!) we have to design merchandise for an online shop called Howkapow, which includes tea towels, mugs, and a circular tray. We were given a choice of themes we could base our merchandise off, which were:

  • Scandinavian fairytales
  • Food
I chose scandinavian fairytales because I like working with things where i feel there are less limitations to go crazy and do whatever :) And plus I really like the story of 'The Three Billy Goats Gruff'! I know I want to illustrate goats, I just need to figure out how! Ka pow?

I started off by taking a trip to the farm to go and see some goats! 

I also did some landscape painting whilst I was there, I had a great view of the Derbyshire hills, which inspired me. It was a nice day towards the end!

Here is some progress of my goats :)
I should have worked in a bigger sketch book as this was only A5 but i feel safe when I work small!

Goat horns are so cool, i don't know why but i've been obsessed with horns since childhood!

A tundra!

That's it so far but im so impressed with how it's going so far!

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