Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Totem Post Progress

Soooo.. Since my last post i've decided on what & how. I just hope everything goes to plan! But so far so good. I've managed to start creating my totems. I've been working on designing some patterns for the material i'm going to make my totem out of. I'm making the creatures out of fabric with indian patterns on them. I've don a different pattern for each creature, representing their characteristics. 

For example:

  • Octopus: Red: - Fears. Red is a frightening colour that raises blood pressure, so it's perfect. I'm terrified of the sea and the horrid creatures in it!
  • Deer: Green - Hope. My idea was a fresh start, so spring colours, bright future kind of thing. Deers are animals of spring.
  • Bird: Purple - Weakness. It might not be the first thing you think of when you think of a weakness, but usually birds are very vulnerable animals, usually the prey. So that's why I associated them.
  • Tiger: Orange - Strength. Orange is a bold colour, eye catching. Tigers are strong animals, so both colours went hand in hand, especially as tigers are orange anyway!
  • Fox: Dark Blue  - Alter Ego. Dark blue - night time, the dark side of things. The night is darkness. Foxes are known for their slyness despite looking cute and fuzzy on the outside, not that i'm sly! 
I've began to draw out my plans & piece them together also. I'm really enjoying it. I've also been and bought some really neat beads and string, with indian themed colours. I'm excited to see this finished & photographed! 

Some of my progress so far:

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